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"Chart patterns"
Showing 301-350 of 360 items.

Dan Gibby – Dan Gibby Seminar Series (3 DVD)

Dan Gibby – Dan Gibby Seminar Series (3 DVD) Investors are bombarded with news events about publicly traded companies. News is often already incorporated into stock prices; however, price charts often leave clues as to when...

Fxsanalytics – FXS Analytics Training

Fxsanalytics - FXS Analytics TrainingWHAT’S INSIDE FXS Analytics TrainingFull video lecture series covering many facets of price action, volume, fundamental trading and beyond Hundreds of accompanying slides, organized by topic Reference bookletsDeep content with an array of...

Uday Dave – Champion Day Trader

I believe in Chinese proverb which goes like, "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." With that belief, I have...

Michael Jardine – Simple Fibonacci Trading Profitable Techniques Anyone Can Use

Jacket Description: Optimize your trading profits and gain more trading confidence with this highly informative video presentation by Fibonacci expert Michael Jardine, author and founder of Enthiosdotcom. Building off the foundations first outlined in his best-selling...

Piranhaprofits – Stock Trading Course Level 2 (Market Snapper™)

Piranhaprofits - Stock Trading Course Level 2: Market Snapper™ Course Overview Question: How are top traders able to profit consistently all year round, regardless of spikes, tanks or side way straddles? Some people believe in the...

James L.Bickford – Forex Wave Theory

James L.Bickford - Forex Wave TheoryDiscover a New Approach to Analyzing Price Fluctuations in the Foreign Exchange MarketForex Wave Theory provides spot currency speculators and commodity futures traders with an innovative new approach to analyzing price fluctuations...

Scott Carney – The Harmonic Trader

Scott Carney – The Harmonic Trader Size: 16 MB What is Harmonic Trading? Harmonic Trading is a methodology that utilizes the recognition of specific price patterns and the alignment of exact Fibonacci ratios to determine highly...

Stephen W. Bigalow – 12 Major Candlestick Signals

Stephen W. Bigalow – 12 Major Candlestick Signals Stephen W. Bigalow possesses over twenty-five years of investment experience, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms: Kidder Peabody & Company, Cowen & Company and...

Timingsolution – Timing Solution Advanced + Terra Incognita

Timingsolution – Timing Solution Advanced (Pattern Recognition included) You are here. I bet that you have had enough experience with different charting tools and methods of Technical Analysis. You have tried Fibonacci levels, pitchforks, fans, elleipses,...

Timingsolution – Timing Solution Advanced Build February 2014

Timingsolution - Advanced Build February 2014 Timing Solution Advanced Build February 2014 This website is a place for traders and investors who prefer to know the behavior of their stocks and apply this knowledge to a...

Boris Schlossberg – Technical Analysis Of The Currency Market (Classic Techniques For Profiting From Market Swings And Trader Sentiment)

Boris Schlossberg - Technical Analysis of the Currency Market Classic Techniques for Profiting from Market Swings and Trader Sentiment Proven currency-specific trading strategies from one of today's top currency analysts "If you trade currency, then you...

MarketTrader – MarketTrader Titanium Plus (March 2013)


Investopedia Academy – Technical Analysis

Investopedia Academy - Technical Analysis Check out for Trading Courses Bundle here. What will I learn? Identify technical patterns, trends, signals and indicators which drive the behavior of price Make educated projections to set optimal price...

Ken Wolff – Trading On Momentum (Advanced Techniques For High Percentage Day Trading)

The NASDAQ has reached a record 60 new highs in 1999, closing above the 4000 milestone. This record was the icing on the cake to a year of volatile victories for the NASDAQ, which experienced the...

Stan Weinstein – Correct Stage For Average

Stan Weinstein - Correct Stage for AverageStan Weinstein is a financial expert. His company, Global Trend Alert, is located in South Florida, USA. It is a financial consulting investments firm. Its clientele has faced some of...

Janet Lowe – Bargain Hunters, Contrarians, Cycles & Waves

Janet Lowe - Bargain Hunters, Contrarians, Cycles & Waves Contrarians and bargain hunters seek investment opportunities by departing from conventional thinking. They study the psychology of markets to exploit mistakes caused by crowd behavior (i.e. the...

Vantagepointtrading – Forex Strategies Guide For Day And Swing Traders

Vantagepointtrading - Forex Strategies Guide for Day and Swing TradersThis eBook is written by Cory Mitchell, a Chartered Market Technician, member of the Market Technicians Association, Canadian Society of Technical Analysts and the International Federation of Technical Analysts. He’s been a...

KeyStone Trading – Equity Trader 101 Course

KeyStone Trading - Equity Trader 101 CourseEquityTrader 10117 chapters totaling 40 hours of material.Your dream of becoming a professional trader is closer than you think.Whether you are new to short term trading or have some experience,...

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies-Beyond the Basics

Strategic Trading – Market Profile Trading Strategies-Beyond the Basics Applying the Power of the Market Profile Market Profile Beyond the Basics 12-Hour Online Course This 12 hour course takes market profile concepts to the next level....

James De Wet – Forex 360 Complete Course

Forex 360 System English | 8h 55mn | 640 x 480 | MP4 H264 245 Kbps | AAC 96Kbps | 1.71 GB Genre: eLearningJames de Wet, the well known south-african trader, has just launched his latest Forex course,...

Jens C. – Trading Pro System (

Jens C. - Trading Pro System ( I will tell you right now... my trading system is NOT gambling!Bottom line:I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be an...

Frank Paul & The Forexmentor Team – FOREX MASTER BLUEPRINT

An all-encompassing resource on how the Forex markets move and how to trade them profitably! FOREX MASTER BLUEPRINT A Career Trader's Step-by-Step Approach to Profiting from the Currency Markets by Frank Paul & the Forexmentor Team...

Chris D'Ambra – Pro Online Trader (Trade Like A Pro)

Chris D'Ambra - Pro Online Trader. Trade Like a Pro (Video 1.30 GB)Product DescriptionFrom the main menu, you'll have 12 options to choose from. First you'll learn how to short stocks. Then in the following sections,...

Peter Worden – Interpreting Time Segmented Volume

Peter Worden - Interpreting Time Segmented VolumeIn this video you will learn to interpret the meaning of price movement relative to Time Segmented Volume® (TSV). Peter Worden explains how to choose settings for the indicator that...

Charles Drummond – P&L Accumulation Distribution

Charles Drummond - P&L Accumulation DistributionP&L Accumulation & Distribution Seminar: Knowing When to Trade;The Art of Trading by Charles Drummond 185 pp. (1993)Here is a sample segment from the "Accumulation/Distribution Seminar"The Drummond Envelope is introduced in this...

Elliottwave – 3 Technical Indicators to Help You Ride the Elliott Wave Trend

Elliottwave - 3 Technical Indicators to Help You Ride the Elliott Wave Trend Award-winning analyst Chris Carolan teaches you how to use his favorite three key technical indicators to spot trends and confirm your Elliott wave...

ElliottWaveUltimate – Elliott Wave Ultimate

Elliottwaveultimate - Elliott Wave Ultimate Ultimate Trading Method Targets High Probability Set-Ups. A Must Have Blueprint for Professional Trading Success Simplifies the Elliott, Fibonacci, and Harmonics Analysis into 1 Powerful Trading System that Generates Consistent Profits...

Axiafutures – Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies

Axiafutures - Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies Module 1 – Learning Objectives, Outcomes & Methodology. Module 2 – Introduction to Order Flow. Module 3 – Course Curriculum Outline and Roadmap. Module 4 –...

John Carter – Forex & Fibonacci Day Trading Seminar

John Carter – Forex & Fibonacci Day Trading Seminar Receive specific Day Trading Strategies that work best for the cash forex and currency futures markets, along with a complete and detailed education on the basic, intermediate...

MTI – Trend Trader Course (Feb 2014)

MTI – Trend Trader Course (Feb 2014) TREND TRADERS COURSE Find the trend and trade it! Start trading multiple time frames(using simple steps) Find connections across charts to help you trade more and analyze less Get...

Peter Worden – Winning Stock Selection Simplified (Vol I, II & III)

Peter Worden – Winning Stock Selection Simplified (Vol I, II & III)Winning Stock Selection Simplified – Vol IDuration: 54m 07sIn Winning Stock Selection Simplified, Peter Worden refines two decades of analysis experience into a simple 30 minute...

Chris Tyler – The Tyler Method For Successful Triangle Trading

Chris Tyler – The Tyler Method For Successful Triangle TradingLet 8-Year Veteran Floor Trader Chris Tyler Teach You How To Make Money With Triangles, Breakouts and Gaps!New! “The Chris Tyler Trading Series,” A New And Improved...

MotiveWave – Ultimate v4.2.27 (Windows & Mac OS X) (Aug 2016)

The MotiveWave Ultimate Edition is a comprehensive advanced charting and trading platform. It has ALL of our features and functionality so there are NO Modules to add on. It has: Everything in the Professional Edition, plus...

Mike Reed – Read the Greed (Take the Money & Teleseminar)

This E-Book is jam-packed with charts illustrating *all*of the Trading entries Mike Reed uses to make a living trading.The entries Mike teaches you in this book were developed by Mike, these aren’t your “run of the...

Andrej Kirda – SOT Intermediate Course (May 2014)

SOT Intermediate Course (May 2014) Download, You will learn our day trading strategies, Daily Routine, Price Patterns, and Trade-management strategies. The Intermediate Course provides the essential elements of successful day trading. Learn to use a trading...

James A. Hyerczyk – Pattern, Price and Time. Using Gann Theory in Trading Systems

The first book to bring a highly controversial charting method down to earth for today′s futures traders.W. D. Gann continues to be one of the most controversial figures in technical analysis. Considered eccentric, abstruse, and even...

John L. Person – Trading Triggers. The Secrets to Profitable Trading

John Person – Trading Triggers The Secrets to Profitable Trading + PDF Workbooks – 2 CDs This trading course will teach specific candle patterns with a high degree of repetitive occurrences, and reliability that will help...

Markay Latimer – Trend Trading My Way

Markay Latimer – Trend Trading My Way Learning how to read stock charts and identify price patterns is an important part of the technical analysis process. When a trader understands these basics, they can incorporate them...

Igor Toshchakov – Beat the Odds in Forex Trading

Igor Toshchakov – Beat the Odds in Forex Trading “Beat the Odds in Forex Trading provides traders with tremendous value by disseminating the trading methods and philosophy of one of the most remarkable Forex success stories since...

Jesse L. Livermore & Richard Smitten – How to Trade in Stocks

The Success Secrets of a Stock Market LegendJesse Livermore was a loner, an individualist-and the most successful stock trader who ever lived. Written shortly before his death in 1940, How to Trade Stocks offered traders their first account...

David Landry – Complete Swing Trading Course

Dave Landry's Complete Swing Trading Course Applying My Best Patterns And Strategies In The Real World (5 CD) Dear Swing Trader, Let me share with you the daily actions that made me successful. A rock-solid daily...

Ken Calhoun – The Forex On Fire System

Getting Started With Forex On Fire™ Is Easy: Just 3 Simple Steps and You’re On Your Way!You’ll want to get started immediately. We’ve put together a quick and easy process to help you get the most from your 3-DVD trading system,...

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading 64 Videos + 1 PDF Manual Reach a new level in your trading through Sure Thing Commodity Trading. Larry has always been an innovator in the markets, and once...

Leadingtrader – LT Indicators (Pulse, Gamma, Ultra, Trend) (May 2013)

Leadingtrader – LT Indicators (Pulse, Gamma, Ultra, Trend) (May 2013) Pulse What is the Pulse? As “momentum” or “trend” traders we are always on the look out for where the next “big move” is likely...

Martin Pring – Technical Analysis Explained (3rd Ed.)

Martin Pring – Technical Analysis Explained (3rd Ed.) This guide aims to provide technical analysis skills for identifying and interpreting market cycles and selecting the best-performing investments. The book examines market swings and analyzes the financial...

Bill Wolfe – Wolfe Waves (Includes Metatrader Indicators Pack & Misc Docs.)

Bill Wolfe – Wolfe Waves (Includes Metatrader Indicators Pack & Misc Docs.) The Wolfe Wave (Not to be confused with The Elliot Wave), discovered by Bill Wolfe, is a naturally occurring, harmonic trading pattern and is...

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian)

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian) Sometimes even the most thorough homework on fundamentals fails to pinpoint the best time to buy a stock or take profits. Technical analysis helps market players predict...

Ken Wolff – Trading on Momentum

Trading on Momentum Advanced Techniques for High-Percentage Day Trading The NASDAQ has reached a record 60 new highs in 1999, closing above the 4000 milestone. This record was the icing on the cake to a year...

Curtis Faith – Trading From Your Gut

“For all those who wonder if the powers of right brain thinking could apply to the trends-and-charts universe of stock and options trading, Curtis Faith has their answer. In Trading from Your Gut, Faith taps brain research,...

Kevin Haggerty – Trading With The Generals 2003-2004

Kevin Haggerty Trading With The Generals CD Kevin Haggerty’s Trading With The Generals, presented on high-resolution 4 CD-ROMs and 777-page Trading Strategy Manualwith over 350 clear and detailed charts, tables, techniques, strategies and technology to make high-probability...


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