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"Professional Traders"
Showing 51-100 of 574 items.

Live Traders - Options Trading Strategies Course

Live Traders - Options Trading Strategies Course Options have been around for many years, however, many traders and investors have avoided them because of the perceived notion that they are too sophisticated and thus hard to...

Lee Gettess – Traders Positioning System

Lee Gettess - Traders Positioning System A rare inside look at how a 20-year veteran trades the markets. Lee Gettess is a successful trader making his living in the markets, and he's shared his powerful secrets...

Steven Primo – Professional Swing Trading College

Steven Primo - Professional Swing Trading CollegeWhat You Will Learn In Each Of Our 7 Training Sessions… For each of the 45- to 75-minute sessions that Steve conducts, he provides you with the following training and ongoing...

LiveTraders – Live Traders 2019 MEGA DEAL

LiveTraders – Live Traders 2019 MEGA DEAL Let's recap EVERYTHING you get: Professional Trading Strategies 16+ Hours of Video Training Plus 550+ Page Digital Copy Traders Guide to Success Trading With An Edge Technical Trading Essentials...


OPENTRADER – PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMIf you’ve been a losing trader, getting beaten down by the market again and again, low on confidence and full of doubt, things are about to change for you.Welcome to what we...

Elliottician – Refined Elliott Wave Trader Professional 4 (RET Pro 4)

Refined Elliott Wave Trader Professional 4 (RET Pro 4) (Apr 2012) The Refined Elliott Trader (RET) uses patterns to tell you what the markets are most likely going to do – which can translate into...


The MarketDelta Edge – PROFESSIONAL TRADING EDUCATIONThe MarketDelta Edge is a two step trading educational program. The Trading Room shows you how to pick better locations and when to pick them. The Edge is a comprehensive...

Lex Van Dam – Million Dollar Traders Course

Lex Van Dam – Million Dollar Traders Course Proven theory. Current markets. Apply Lex’s trademarked methodology to current, real-world markets. Learn how to trade FX, stocks, commodities, and technical strategies in one comprehensive course combining high-definition...

Anton Kreil – Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM)

Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Anton Kreil Anton is the Managing Partner of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, an independent global community of 425 Traders across 22 countries. Anton manages and oversees the Institute...

Piranha Profits – Professional Options Trading Course: Options Ironshell

Piranhaprofits - Professional Options Trading Course: Options Ironshell Course Overview The Piranha Profits™ Options Trading Course is created for traders who want to generate more income from their trading account without being tied down by unpredictable market...

Michael D. Coval – A Trader on WallStreet (A Short Term Traders Guide)

Michael D. Coval – A Trader on WallStreet (A Short Term Traders Guide) The stock market is a consistently evolving machine. A Trader On Wall Street shows the hidden secrets of both the market makers and...

Mark Oryhon – Professional Strategies For Trading The DAX

Mark Oryhon – Professional Strategies For Trading The DAX Mark Oryhon is one of the biggest DAX traders in the world. Here’s your chance to learn from him. Mark Oryhon have been trading full time in...

Mike Bellafiore – The PlayBook: An Inside Look at How to Think Like a Professional Trader

Mike Bellafiore – The PlayBook: An Inside Look at How to Think Like a Professional Trader Want to become a truly great trader – either for yourself or for a proprietary trading firm? This book will...

Simon Kloot – Professional Trading With Institutional Supply & Demand

Simon Kloot – Professional Trading With Institutional Supply & Demand Learn how to trade any financial market consistently and profitably. New Cryptocurrency section added for 2018. What you'll learn You will be able to identify and...

Mytradersstateofmind – Developing Traders Mind (at Your Own Pace!)

Mytradersstateofmind - Developing Traders Mind (at your own pace!) This Developing Trader's State of Mind online course is built for this group of people. Course Description The course is an online course. You have access to the course materials...

Markettraders – MTI Forex Education Lessons

Markettraders - MTI Forex Education LessonsInclude 15 forex Online Educational LessonsLesson 1 - What is the Forex?…Check out MTI’s Exclusive Forex ProductsWith the help of our Forex education and classes, you will acquire the knowledge, experience...

Jack Schwager – Stock Market Wizards Interviews With America's Top Stock Traders

Jack Schwager - Stock Market Wizards Interviews with America s Top Stock TradersThis decade has witnessed the most dynamic bull market in U.S. stock history, a collapse in commodity prices, and dramatic failures in some of...

Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies And Tactics For Traders

Joe Ross - Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Tactics for TradersElectronic Trading 'TNT' IV Tips-Tricks and Other Trading Stuff.This manual, will, when combined with Electronic Trading 'TNT' I, II, and III, constitute a complete...

Larry Connors – Professional Day Trading For Success Program

Larry Connors - Professional Day Trading for Success ProgramIncludes Amibroker & Tradestation Indicators and SpreadsheetsThis program is designed for both current day traders and those who are looking to make day trading their career.TradingMarkets Professional Day...

Market Traders Institute (MTI) – Education Videos

Market Traders Institute (MTI) – Education Videos Forex education is an important step in becoming a successful trader. At Market Traders Institute (MTI), you have unlimited access to expert trading techniques and professional Forex analysts. MTI...

Larry Connors – S&P Market Timing Course For E-mini & Options Traders

Larry Connors – S&P Market Timing Course For E-mini & Options Traders Hear TradingMarkets CEO Larry Connors and 18-year Wall Street professional and former head hedge fund trader Paul Sabo as they share their insights on...

Norman Hallett – Taming Risk A Guide For Traders

Norman Hallett, the world-renowned trading advisor, who literally wrote the book on “Taming Risk” reveals…“How To Eliminate Those Devastating Blowout Trades That Strip Your Account Of The Profits You’ve Made For The Day, The Week, or...

Ruth Barros Roosevelt – Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Ruth Barros Roosevelt – Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders Product Description Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders uncovers all the habits unsuccessful traders refuse to accept. “Have you ever found yourself fully intending to do one...

James Bittman – Trading Options as a Professional

James Bittman – Trading Options as a Professional The options market allows savvy investors to assume risk in a way that can be very profitable, if the right techniques are used with the proper insight. In Trading...

Mark Conway – Professional Stock Trading. System Design and Automation

Mark Conway – Professional Stock Trading. System Design and Automation Learn the art and science of trading systems from professional speculators. The authors share powerful long and short trading strategies in TradeStation that span all time...

Traderscoach – ART Charting Software

ART Charting Software (2006-11-08)Welcome and thank you for your interest in Applied Reality Trading®. The ART® Trading Software is a sophisticated and fun trading and investment tool designed to enhance, educate, and deliver results. The Applied...

Joe Corona & Trading Markets – Professional Options Trading College

Joe Corona & Trading Markets – Professional Options Trading College This is the $2995 options trading course from tradingmarkets. TradingMarkets Professional Options Trading College is a professionally constructed options training program which will get you to...

NeuroStreet – Trading Academy Pack for NT8

NeuroStreet – Trading Academy Pack for NT8 The "NeuroStreet Trading Academy Pack for NT8" is a comprehensive trading package developed by NeuroStreet Trading Academy, designed specifically for the NinjaTrader 8 (NT8) platform. This package aims to...

Blue Wave Trading – BWT Precision Autotrader + Indicators NT8

Blue Wave Trading – BWT Precision Autotrader + Indicators NT8 Blue Wave Trading is one of the oldest vendors in the NinjaTrader Ecosystem. We first offered automation in NinjaTrader over 17 years ago. Our original logic...

Marwood Research – Access All Areas (Latest 2024)

Marwood Research - Access All Areas (Latest 2024) The "Marwood Research - Access All Areas" bundle is a comprehensive package designed to provide traders with a wide range of advanced trading strategies and educational resources. Here...

Simpler Trading – Simpler Options 101 E-Learning Module

Simpler Trading – Simpler Options 101 E-Learning Module E-Learning Format: Learn to master the foundations of successful options trading Master the Foundation of Successful Options Trading. Master Simpler Options: Most options training is confusing because it's...

AOStrading – Building Winning Strategies With TradeStation

AOStrading – Building Winning Strategies With TradeStation The "AOStrading – Building Winning Strategies With TradeStation" course is designed to teach traders how to develop and implement profitable trading strategies using the TradeStation platform. Here are some...

Online Trading Campus – Learn Forex Training by Bernd Skorupinski

Online Trading Campus – Learn Forex Training by Bernd Skorupinski Introduction to Forex Foreign Exchange (Spot FX or Forex) also refers to the global market where currencies are traded virtually around the clock. Forex trading in...

Trading Geek – The Trading Blueprint

Trading Geek – The Trading Blueprint Phase 1: Beginner’s Guide If you have no prior knowledge or experience in trading, start your trading journey here by first learning the basics of forex trading Phase 2: Technical...

Udemy – Trade X Master Class (Day Trading, Bitcoin, Scalping, Crypto)

Udemy – Trade X Master Class (Day Trading, Bitcoin, Scalping, Crypto) You will learn how use technical analysis and trade crypto currencies. In this master class we went through all of the concepts and indicators that...

Axiafutures – The Prop Trading Code by Brannigan Barrett

Axiafutures – The Prop Trading Code by Brannigan Barrett The Prop Trading Code is a 4-part, 53-day trading masterclass. This course instils structure and control into the traders decision-making process through a practical, process-driven course programme....

Wall St. Jesus – The Complete Flow Trader

Wall St. Jesus – The Complete Flow Trader Finally, Wall St. Jesus reveals his methods. The first comprehensive course of its kind unpacks unusual options flow and gives you the tools you need to use smart...

NET Oscillator

NET Oscillator New Era Trader is the finest, most unique trading program available today for day trading and short-term swing trading. New Era Trader primarily trades the S&P E-Mini and short-term expiring OEX options. NETworks because it trades the...

Dekmartradesbootcamp – Dekmar Trades Complete Trading Course


Nationalfutures – Candlestick Pivot Point Trading Triggers by John L. Person

Nationalfutures – Candlestick & Pivot Point Strategies by John L. Person John Person is a 22-year veteran of the Futures and Options Trading industry. Since his start on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, he has...

Ari Kiev – Trading To Win Video Book

Ari Kiev - Trading to Win A breakthrough program for achieving new heights of trading success The product of a five-year collaboration between Dr. Ari Kiev, a leading psychiatrist renowned for his success with Olympic athletes,...

Copy Trade Profit – Millionaire Forex Course

Copy Trade Profit – Millionaire Forex Course – NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY Do you want to copy the trades of a team of professional traders and make a profit alongside us? Then look no further! We...

Warrior Trading – Warrior PRO (2021)

Warrior Trading – Warrior PRO (2021) Warrior Trading – Warrior PRO is a comprehensive trading course offered by Warrior Trading, an online educational platform founded by Ross Cameron. The course is designed for both beginner and intermediate...

Matthew Kratter – Trader University

Matthew Kratter – Trader University Hi there! My name is Matthew Kratter. I am the founder of Trader University, and the best-selling author of multiple books on trading and investing. I have more than 20 years...

Ed Ponsi – Forex Patterns and Probabilities

Ed Ponsi – Forex Patterns and ProbabilitiesWhile most books on trading deal with general concepts and shy away from specifics, Forex Patterns and Probabilities provide you with real-world strategies and a rare sense of clarity about the specific...

Emini Academy – Emini Academy Map Mastery Documents

Emini Academy – Emini Academy Map Mastery DocumentsCHOOSE A MARKET AND TRADING TIME FRAMEThere are many different markets to trade, and the first step is choosing which one is right for you. Some of the most...

Doyle Exchange – Advanced Day Trading Course

Doyle Exchange – Advanced Day Trading Course Ever been stopped out of a trade then it goes in your direction afterwards? Retail traders don't understand the concept of why the banks/institutions does this, we go in...

Matt Caruso – The Active Growth Investor

The Active Growth Investor by Caruso Insights What makes The Active Growth Investor by Caruso Insights different from other courses? The straightforward instruction style along with the powerful techniques that have been tried and true in the...

Trade Win Profit – TWP Price Action Course

Trade Win Profit – TWP Price Action Course Congratulations! You've Decided to Take Action and Improve Your Life. STOP LOSING YOUR MONEY AND LEARN HOW TO TRADE THE RIGHT WAY! WARNING: This Program Is Not For...

Asia Forex Mentor – The One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew

Asia Forex Mentor – The One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew My name is Ezekiel Chew, and I teach bank traders, fund managers, prop traders and also ordinary people how to make money from trading. I...


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